Sunday, October 28, 2012

The CBC is Free

It has been announced by the National Audubon Society that there is no longer a $5 fee for participating in the Christmas Bird Count. Results from a survey showed that there wasn't enough support to continue the expensive print journal every year, so they are discontinuing that and having the summary available electronically. There is still a significant cost in administration and paying for the online services, so donations are encouraged. A PDF with the full announcement can be found at their website here.

One less excuse to not participate!

If results from our scouting are any clue, the Atascosa Highlands CBC (abbreviation: AZAH) won't have any trouble finding this SE Arizona specialty, Rufous-winged Sparrow (above). It used to be a rarity in the circle, but in 2009 we led the nation with 90! Last year a respectable 42 were reported. How many will we see this year?

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