Saturday, November 22, 2014

Date for this season's CBC - Friday January 2nd 2015 ! ! !

photo by Jake Mohlmann
Highly desirable species like this Whiskered Screech-Owl are possible. 11 were detected on last years count!  ©photo by Jake Mohlmann

This season's Atascosa Highlands Christmas Bird Count will be held on January 2nd, 2015. The only other CBC being held on this date in Arizona is the Carefree count located north of Phoenix. If you're not planning on attending that count and if you're available to help with the Atascosa Highlands count please email Jake Mohlmann (mohlmann2 AT to sign-up! 

Click here for a list of Arizona's other CBCs.

See you out there!

Jake Mohlmann
Atascosa Highlands CBC

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